Author: Neil Ormston

RL RKC update – going global

Hi everyone Some of you will have seen the press release from International Rugby League…

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Albert Rosenfeld

Rugby Reloaded #149

Facts speak for themselves, don’t they? Not always, as we discover in this week’s interview…

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2021 – off with a bang

Hi everyone 2021 has started in much the same vein as 2020 it seems: no, I’m…

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January Update

Happy New Year to everyone. 2021 is going to be an exciting year for the…

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RL Record Keepers’ Club update & 2021 membership info

Hi everyone With the playing year finally over, and a long off-season in prospect, it…

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Record Keepers’ Club update

Hi everyone As the game celebrates its 125th anniversary week, in circumstances no-one could have…

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2020 Stats treatment

Hi everyone Just a short note to clarify the position in relation to the treatment…

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July Updates

Every month or so we will give a short update on the status of the…

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Status update & website launch

Hi everyone Status update Today marks 3 months since the official re-launch of the Record…

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Announcement of partnership between RL RKC & Rugby League Cares, & other news

Hi everyone Partnership between RL RKC & RL Cares I have exciting news to share…

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