RL RKC: Happy birthday to us

Hi everyone
A relatively short note for a change, mainly to celebrate the fact that today marks exactly one year since the RKC was officially re-launched!  In some respects, it seems so much longer than that, partly because of how much we’ve been able to achieve.  But here’s to many more successful years to come!!

There’s a few new members receiving a group mail for the first time, so welcome to all of them: we now stand at 188 members, with a steady trickle of new joiners since the website went live allowing people to join directly.  It would be great to get to 200, so if you know of anyone who might be interested in signing up, please give a recommendation.
Just on the website, thanks to Chris, who has now sorted out bringing all the RKC archives into one place on there.  The old links to the teams and scorers, and History of RL no longer work, but these can now all be found online for members to access.  Just log into the website, and from the main menu (at the top), go to ‘Media’, then ‘Downloads’ & select from there.  Alternatively, shortcuts are available here: Original RKC teams & scorers and History of RL.  Continued thanks to John Womersley for providing the History of RL booklets, now with additional info included (some new versions will be added shortly).

If anyone has any issues logging on to the website, please shout, as it will be easily solved I expect 🙂
Having had something of a busman’s holiday to focus on my own Wire records recently (just the small matter of one new player, and one omitted match identified!), it’s back to the grindstone now, with a focus on the winter era & international games the immediate priorities.  I’ve a backlog of emails to work through, so apologies if you’re waiting on a reply, but I also took some time to concentrate on some other things, and I guess as society starts to open up, and the season gets underway, the pace of our work may well drop to something more sustainable for the long haul ahead.  But I’ve still high hopes we’ll be able to continue to make great progress to build on what we’ve achieved already in our first year, and I’ll update you all again soon with a bit more detail on how we’re progressing.
Until then, enjoy the gradual return to freedom, and hopefully, a long-awaited return to live games next month!!
All the best

Author: Neil Ormston

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