RKC data launch confirmed

Hi everyone

I just wanted to confirm that following great progress, and a huge amount of work from a lot of people, we will be doing our first major data release, to members only, on Sunday 28 February.  This will consist of all pro club games in the summer era.

On the day of the launch I will confirm that the data is available, and explain how you can log-on to the new look website which will host this, and some other extra features.

Special shout outs are required to Chris Lines & Martin McDonough for their work on the website & database, and again to Chris Heinitz for the provision of his summer era records, as well as all the members who have helped reviewing data and inputting to get us to this point.

To celebrate the launch, we are going to do a live virtual meeting at 3pm on Sunday 28 February.  Chris will do a demo of the website, and he, Martin and I will do a Q&A session on the status of our work, to give everyone a chance to find out more about where we are, and what’s next.  I thought it would be a good excuse to get members all together for the first time since our relaunch, so I hope as many of you as possible are able to join. (Note: you will receive an invite for this, from my work e-mail address neil.ormston@arlafoods.com)

There’s a further opportunity to help too (no note would be complete without such a request!).  We want to include an ‘on this day’ feature on the website, so are looking for content for this.  If anyone has compiled such a list, for their own club, or on any other RL related theme, and would be happy to share, please give me a shout.

All the best


Author: Neil Ormston