UK domestic match data

06/10/2022 The UK domestic season is now completed, with the input of the final matches…

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International and representative match data

06/10/2022 The latest international matches, notably the Middle-East Africa Championship, which saw the Full International…

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Rugby League World Cup 2021 Data

Rugby League World Cup 2021 statistics and data is now live!

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Forty20 TV & The Rugby League Record Keepers’ Club

Our organiser Neil Ormston joined Richard at Forty20 TV to chat about the Record Keepers’…

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RKC update: important announcements

Hi everyoneNo waffle from me today, I’m going to jump straight into it, as I…

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Record Keepers’ Club update

Hello everyone Things have been rather hectic so firstly apologies it’s been a while since…

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RL Record Keepers’ Club update

Hi everyone With international rugby league making the back pages of national newspapers recently (not…

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RL Record Keepers’ Club update: the road ahead

Hi everyone It’s been a few months since my last update, so firstly welcome to…

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RL RKC: Happy birthday to us

Hi everyoneA relatively short note for a change, mainly to celebrate the fact that today…

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RKC data launch confirmed

Hi everyone I just wanted to confirm that following great progress, and a huge amount…

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